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Government Documents: Home

A guide to OCC's Federal Depository of Government Documents and beyond

Welcome to the OCC Federal Depository!

The Ocean County College Library is a congressionally designated participant in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). This means we are part of a national network of institutions that help provide free and informed access to both print and digital Federal Government resources.

Our Government Documents collection is located behind our information desk. To access it, please ask our library staff. 


The Federal Depository Library Program was established through a 1813 Congressional resolution to make available copies of the House and Senate Journals in select libraries and institutions outside of government agencies. The program has grown tremendously over the years and is now a network of libraries located throughout the United States and its territories. These libraries are called "Depository Libraries" and they ensure free, public access to government publications and offer associated reference service.

The OCC Library was designated a federal depository in 1966, selecting and receiving items relevant to the needs of the OCC community as well as the residents of the third U.S. Congressional District. The Library is proud to continue this mission today. 

Not every library is large enough to house every available publication. Therefore, each state has a "regional depository" that receives nearly all of items published by the United States Government. Other libraries, including the Ocean County College Library, are "selective depositories" and receive only a fraction of available documents.

New Jersey’s regional depository library is the Newark Public Library.

Depository Anniversary