Consider putting your prompts into ChatGPT to view the results. If you have concerns, you might try the following:
AI-based tools such as Large Language Models (LLM) may be leveraged in big or small ways. Some example assignments include:
Use teaching practices that increase motivation through high expectancy-value:
From The University of Maryland's Teaching & Learning Transformation Center: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Decide how you want your students to engage or not engage with AI and communicate these expectations clearly and frequently.
See the additional resources section further down on this page for suggested syllabus language.
From The University of Maryland's Teaching & Learning Transformation Center: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Turnitin software or other non-enterprise tools like Hugging Face and GPTZero are currently not effective at detecting AI text if it is modified by students. Instead, you might look for changes such as:
If your students know you are fully engaging with their work and paying attention to the assignments they turn in, they will be less likely to engage in academic dishonesty.
From The University of Maryland's Teaching & Learning Transformation Center: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
If you are concerned regarding student work, please refer to the Academic Integrity page of this guide. There you will find the corresponding OCC policies, manuals, and contact information for assistance.