The hospitality industry means any person or entity involved in the operation, management, support, or ownership of a restaurant, catering business, hotel business, conference business, travel business, tourism business, tour business, or tour guide business (Law Insider).
This research guide provides a curated set of research materials in Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism Management. While this is a great place to start your research journey, please explore our numerous other resources provided by the Ocean County College Library.
For more information on the HRTM program at OCC, please visit the degree homepage.
Use the OCC Catalog to find books and articles in the library:
If you want to browse the shelves, you'll find books relating to Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism Management in these ranges:
330s: Economics
380s: Commerce, Communications and Transportations
390s: Customs, Etiquette and Folklore
640s: Home and Family Management
650s: Management and Public Relations
910s: Geography and Travel